NM Medical Review Commission

The New Mexico Medical Review Commission, created by Section 41-5-14 of the New Mexico Medical Malpractice Act, was enacted in 1976. The Medical Malpractice Act mandates the screening of all applications of alleged medical malpractice against a qualified medical provider by the Medical Review Commission. The Act provides for three panel members from the medical profession and three panel members from the State Bar to review each application.

NMMRC Director & Chair: Ned Shepherd, JD

NM State Bar Chair:  Howard Thomas, JD

NM Medical Society Chairs: Larry Levy, MD and Neal Shadoff. MD

Alternate Panel Chair:  Judith Durzo, JD

Alternate Panel Chair:  Bill Herring, JD

NMMRC Program Coordinators: Benjamin Maggard, JD, and Vanessa Bautista

Contact Information:
(505) 796-3434 (Benjamin Maggard, JD)
(505) 796-3430 (Vanessa Bautista)
(505) 828-0336 (fax)
(505) 828-0237 (NMMS main office number)
NM Medical Review Commission Website

NM Medical Review Commission
316 Osuna Road NE, Suite 501
Albuquerque, NM  87107

Assorted Resources:

1. Policy and Procedures (2023)
2. NMMRC Rules of Procedure (January 2021)
3. 2023 Medical Malpractice Act (NMSA 41.5.1 to 41.5.29)
4. New Mexico Medical Review Commission Annual Report to the Supreme Court of New Mexico – 2023
5. Panelist Sign Up Form (Link to New Panelist Form)
6. Authorization to Disclose or Use Protected Health Care Information (HIPAA Release Medical)
7. Authorization to Disclose or Use Protected Mental Health Care Information (HIPAA Release Psychotherapy)
8. Patient Compensation Fund (Link to Public Portal)


Historical Articles on the NM Medical Review Commission:

Medical Legal Guidelines for Cooperation by the NM Medical Society and State Bar of NM (1989)
NMMRC History NM Bar Review by David Gallagher (State Bar of NM, News & Views, July 7, 1983)
NM Bar Review NMMRC History by Joseph Fulcher, Martin Paskind, & Bruce Wiggins (State Bar of NM, May, 1973)