March 27, 2020 – Most if not all of you have read the two Public Health Orders issued on Wednesday, March 25.
NMMS has communicated with DOH Secretary Kathyleen Kunkel to clarify the scope and intent of the orders.
There are two, very important messages for you to read and share with your professional practice and medical colleagues.
First, a message from Secretary Kunkel:
The intent of the order is both to protect the citizens of New Mexico, and our health care providers, from unnecessary exposure to COVID 19. It is also intended to preserve PPE by halting elective procedures.
The Order is not limited to DOH licensed facilities.
The Order does not prohibit necessary medical procedures or treatment.
Guidance is provided in the Order to assist clinicians in making those determinations.
The Order requires a policy be submitted to DOH for approval. DOH is starting up a website to receive those policies and provide feedback.
Please check the DOH CV website for more information on how to submit those policies:
To the extent possible, provide remote consultation and services whenever possible, reduce in-person contacts, screen staff and patients who visit your offices for COVID-19 symptoms (fever, dry cough, difficulty breathing and/or exposure to someone who has those conditions or tested positive for COVID-19).